My daughter (4) surprised my wife and I today. Shortly after lunch, my wife said she would join the children in cleaning the play room. To which my daughter replied "Mom, you take such good care of us and you are always cleaning up after us. I don't want you to clean the play room, you are not allowed cuz me and my brother are going to do it."
No lie. Thats what she said. Her brother- usually adverse to cleaning and whatnot - stepped right in and helped get it done. As a parent, you live for moments like that.
Lesson number one-
It is more joyful to serve when that service comes from a thankful heart.
Lesson number two-
How much more joyful should we be in serving God and the church if it came from profound thankfulness for what Jesus has done for us. Just Ike we were delighted in my daughters thankful heart-service, i imagine God would be delighted when we serve out of appreciation rather than disinterested obligation.
Lesson number three-
People are more inclined to joyfully do a task if they are invited by a peer rather than by an authority.
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